Piano Ensemble Competiton

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Piano Ensemble Competiton


Welcome to piano ensemble competition in November, 2016

About Competition

Piano playing has been a very popular choice by many ever since the evolution of this most versative of instruments. Duets have been written by composes ever since Mozart wrote some of those delightful works, probably first played by himself and his sister, Nannerl.

The piano literature reveals many works for two pianists (either on one or two pianos) if one takes a closer look at this repertoire. The popularity of this type of music is well demonstrated by piano maker and composer, Pleyel, who produced the amazing piano with two keyboards, one on either end of the instrument. Players in the 21st Century are more and more drawn to this genre. Many pianists have, in fact, chosen their musical career around works for piano four hand, or for two players on two pianos.

The North West International Piano Ensemble Competition (NWIPEC) was born to highlight this repertoire to both performers and audiences. It was designed as a vehicle to encourage those teachers who have a vision for their younger students, or to create a vehicle for serious students of young adult age, to explore piano duets and duos.

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