VI Internationales Wettbewerb in Albena - Bulgarien

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February 28, 2018

VI Internationales Wettbewerb in Albena - Bulgarien

"Heirs of Orpheus" 

Prof. Tomislav Baynov nimmt als Juror am 
Internationales Wettbewerb 
in Albena -Bulgarien teil. 

04. bis 11. September 2018.

Albena Resort, Bulgaria

VI Internationales Wettbewerb
"Heirs of Orpheus" in Albena - Bulgarien 

Dear friends,
From the 4-nd to 11-th of September 2018 

will be held  in the Albena Black Sea resort.

The competition takes place in one round (except for nominations listed below) 
within the frame of public concerts.  

The competition program is a choice (works from the Renaissance up to our days) 
according to the personal preferences of every performer. 

It must be performed from memory in the solo categories.
The age group is determined according to the age 
on the opening day of the competition: September 04, 2018.


   Rules of the Competition

In September 2013 we held I-st INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION "HEIRS OF ORPHEUS" and master classes to it in the Black Sea resort "Albena", Bulgaria. Since that time it has already been held five times and attracted participants from different countries from Europe, Asia, North and South America, such as Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Belarus, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Estonia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, South Korea, Switzerland, Syria, the USA, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Hong Kong.

All participants and their tutors made special mention of a high artistic level, objectivity of the jury, good organization and warm hospitality.

This year we are happy to invite you to take part in the VI-th INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION "HEIRS OF ORPHEUS ", which will be held from 4-th to 11-th of September 2018 in Albena Resort, Bulgaria.

Regulations provide wide opportunities including participation in 2, 3 or even 4 nominations or different genre sections! There is even a chance to compete with each other in such an unusual nominations as "Teacher and Students" and “Musicians family”.

Prove worthy of your talent! Verify the prestige of your education or cultural institution! Introduce uniqueness of your national music culture! We would greatly appreciate if you share information about our competition with your colleagues and friends who might be interested in taking part in it.

Sincerely yours,


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